In-store payments
tariffs comparison

Our clients can choose between Easy and Profi tariffs. We usually recommend the Easy tariff – it's as simple as possible, with no fixed transaction fees, plus it brings predictability to payment costs. But if you opt for the more complex Profi tariff, it's up to you. To help you choose, we've prepared a comparison table of the two.

Transaction fees

Payments made with an EU-issued consumer card represent around 95% of all card transactions.

Visa and Mastercard payment cards including Google Pay and Apple Pay

Easy tariff

Profi tariff

Debit and credit consumer cards issued in the EU

0.98% + 0 CZK

0.62% + 0.5 CZK

The group of business cards and cards issued outside the EU typically represents around 5% of card payments.
Rates are final, they are not indicative fees in the MIF++ model.

Other payment cards

Easy tariff

Profi tariff

Business and other cards issued in the EU

0.98% + 0 CZK

1.70% + 0.5 CZK

Consumer debit and credit issued outside the EU

0.98% + 0 CZK

1.20% + 3.5 CZK

Business and other cards issued outside the EU

0.98% + 0 CZK

2.95% + 3.5 CZK

Meal vouchers

Easy tariff

Profi tariff

Ticket Restaurant (Edenred), Chèque Déjeuner (Up Česká republika)

0.98% + 0 CZK

1.46% + 0.5 CZK

Naše stravenka (Lidl)

0.98% + 0 CZK

2.95% + 0.5 CZK

Other fees

Easy tariff

Profi tariff

Monthly payment terminal rental. Free of charge for monthly transaction volume per terminal exceeding 100 thousand CZK

or 190 CZK

or 190 CZK

Refund (return of funds at the client's request)



Chargeback (forced return of money based on the payer's complaint)

990 CZK

990 CZK

Terminal installation



Daily transfer of payments to the client's bank account



Service cancellation



Optional services

Easy tariff

Profi tariff

SIM with data plan, monthly fee

70 CZK

70 CZK

Purchase of payment terminal (1 pc, price without VAT). 
In case of purchase there is no monthly rental fee.

3,500 CZK

3,500 CZK

Fee billing once a month instead of the standard deduction of fees from individual payments


Benefit Plus payments

5.0% + 0 CZK

Processing payments from, Expedia, Agoda and other accommodation portals

2.4% + 0 CZK

2.4% + 0 CZK

Processing payments from accommodation portals in Mastercard B2B Travel program

3.0% + 0 CZK

3.0% + 0 CZK

For both tariffs these are fixed prices, they are not indicative prices in MIF++ mode
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